Monday, August 2, 2010

NNT:JE: Divine Felinity: 0001:002

Hey! JC3 back again to clean something up. I've seen on the Internet a profusion of signs carried by protesters saying the God hates kittens. See here, here and here. It's worrying because whilst we're quite used to people (nutcases mostly) trying to tell the world what Dad loves or hates, they're REALLY REALLY wrong about the kitten thing.

Me and Dad both have a thing for cats, as dad puts it: "They're wilful, destructive, violent and mercenary and have a nasty habit of taking themselves too seriously. All of which makes it so much funnier when they come a cropper. Just like humans really."
That's not entirely true of course, he probably should have said "Like some humans", but you see his point. In many ways God's relationship with the modern world of man is much like the modern world of man's relationship with cats on Youtube. He enjoys watching your loveable antics, and as long as no one is too badly harmed, it's even entertaining to watch you fall over now and again.

Prophet! Look into making the God equivalent of LOLCATS will you? A priest looking to the heavens with CAN I HAZ BLESSING? That kind of thing.

Anyway, I digress. Where were we... Cat good. Check! Oh, here we are. Yeah the flipside of this is that God has the Metatron for a reason, and last time I checked The Metatron wasn't a redneck shouting God hates Fags (What's so bad about cigarettes anyway, it's not like you HAVE to smoke them), anymore than he was a smug glasses wearing nerd with a God hates Kittens sign. Now there would be hell to pay, but we realise it's been a while since we updated you all, and that's what I'm here to rectify. Though it'll be a boring list if I just list it all out and I'm trying to avoid that in the NNT:JE, so we'll leave this for now and come back to the wider scope of Dad's loves/hates at later date.
So, in conclusion, I'd like to re-assure you that God does in fact Love kittens. And Humans. And Dogs. He even loves those nutcases holding up the signs that say what he likes and doesn't like. But it should be made clear that whilst he loves
the nutcases, that doesn't mean he likes them right now...

Peace out.

Damnnit can we let the kitten thing go? And Human LOLCATs? Seriously?

Your Messiah has spoken.



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