This is supposed to be a lesson from the theoretical maths and physics types about the sheer scale and unimaginable scope of the infinite. To me it seems like a perfect example of just how stupid metaphors can be. For instance my initial thoughts about this whole affair was "Well sure, you now have one copy of the complete works of Shakespeare. Unfortunately it's buried somewhere in that infinite mountain of thoroughly well flung monkey poo. Way to go with the lessons Poindexter." And really that's not such an unreasonable reaction. In fact I think it's probably ONLY the high-brow theoretical types who think this is a good idea. In fact let me draw it so you get an idea of how bad an idea this is:

See? See that tiny book? Half way up that unclimbable mountain of stinky poo? That's how likely you are to find random culture in the universe. Even if you could get to it without a team of sherpas, and a steady supply of nose-pegs, it's still going to make you retch when you try and read it. Takes the romance out of Romeo and Juliet, huh?
That's all I have to say for now.
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